-Personal Blog

Month: February 2007

Month: February 2007

Smoking is still cool. Tv Tells me so daily.

Smoking is still cool. Tv Tells me so daily.

I was watching this week's episode of LAS VEGAS just now. I just saw sweet Mary, who they're hardening up this season, smoking.Her ex boyfriend, she show's white hunk said it was ok, because she was stressed.I call the age card again, and start rambling like the grey haired father figure I made fun of when I wasn't one of them.TV is still...

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Survivor controls it’s Universe

Survivor controls it’s Universe

Reality shows are not reality. That's not a new statement by any means. However, it's neat to see how a network or producer can make good TV, and stay within the confines of what they call reality. They don't script things, and they claim to not change the outcome, but they can change the rules.A food competition for a tribal council challenge...

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It’s Your Fault

It’s Your Fault

Every time I hear somebody on TV hiccup, I wonder if the writers have seen my web site. I have a hiccup cure listed, and for a while, I was #1 on Google. It's free and easy and works really well for about 80% of the people who try it. It's lost ground to less successful cures that cost money, because that's how the Internet works sometimes.The...

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My Cult Prospect

My Cult Prospect

CULTS ARE WHAT CHURCHES CALL NEW CHURCHESIT'S PART OF THE NEGATIVE CAMPAIGNIn the old days, there was one Church, and all was good.And when I say one, I mean, only one any single person knew about.The fat started getting hit when we started to travel, and found a people who somehow had grown up with a different answer to the eternal questions of...

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Bev Crushers’s Artie Connection.

Bev Crushers’s Artie Connection.

I don't know why exactly, but I think of the episode of Star Trek Next Generation, where Beverly Crusher is in her own universe, a lot. I'm not sure the puctiuation on that line.I have also been thinking of the idea of personal universes for a while.Tonight, I was watching TV, and the concept of drugs came up.I merged the ideas together, and...

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No Lights Out!

No Lights Out!

Another thing we didn't realize changed. In my youth, you could drive without your headlights on. Daytime running lights have been the standard in my country for years. We can't drive without our headlights one. Up to this point, I've always thought about the advantages to having lights on during the day. I've even complained that rear lights are...

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Non Regional Diction

Non Regional Diction

I heard this just now; Non Regional Diction. It was in the context of a woman trying to break into the man's world of TV news in the 70's. It was something she had to practice.It reminded me of a memory, and a story.When I ws growing up, the dominant foreign culture around me was British. Of the people my family socialized with, the accent I...

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This is my story, RE: Star Trek

This is my story, RE: Star Trek

My first memory of Star Trek is sitting on the yellow plush carpet of my next door neighbours house at 6pm, watching Kirk, Spock, Bones and the gang. I think I remember it was a Song Trinatron, maybe the one with the square pixels, although that may be a random memory from somwhere else.I went to a creation con in Buffalo with some friends. Over...

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I had an idea while watching TV again. I'm glad I have a PVR so I can pause, and write.My idea was for a new kind of social web site / blog site.I understand that a lot of creative people, lack the kind of creativity to write, simply because they think they can't, because when they try, they have no topic, or no goal. They can't just start...

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Prepping Us

Prepping Us

I used to dream of a scenario where aliens had landed in Roswell, or before. I used to think; how would the world be different, if that were the truth. Then, I look for signs in society that hint that it may be, using this story.The way the people who know the secret, prepair the world for the time when they can admit it.Fiction and history have...

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Smoke em if you watch em

Smoke em if you watch em

Wow. A lot of people smoked this week on TV. On Saturday Night live, at least three times. On Hero's, MAD TV, and on Studio 60. People I'd never seen smoking were smoking.I wonder who paid who.

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February 2007


Jeff Goebel