The thing I find the most curious about life, is the way the universe provides. I have said it often, as the world before me does things in the right time. Something I need appears.
I have been going through some new mental challenges with a life change, and loss of best friend, or what I have been calling my # 1
Tonight, I watched an episode of ‘According to Jim’, the first one I’ve seen in years, and it was all about best friends. It was therapeutic, as good TV often is.
In a similar theme, several sitcom episodes have hit more of my issues than usual. I don’t usually relate to sitcom stars. They’re not my class or demographic, but when I’m sad or depressed, I seem to see more meaning in them. Like when hearing and understanding lyrics more when you’;re in love – the plots and sub-plots of the sitcoms and TV shows I watch these days seem more directly pointed at me. It’s quite weird. Spiritual people might call it a sign.
I’m in a new place – chapter and adjusting is slow, and I’m not used to 98% alone time. It’s a life transition and I look for signs.
The Universe Provides.