Warning. This blog was voice transcribed from the bathroom after feeding but I don’t have my teeth in so I noticed a lot of errors. I should probably go and edit it manually but I’m pretty sure I won’t.
Not much has changed over the past while. The rooster still tries to get between me and where I’m going. Today I couldn’t wait for him to move away from the staircase where I exit the house It’s all I went back inside out the front door and into the backyard through the side gateway. It took him quite a while to realize I was already back at the chicken coop where the pig resides.
I’m not quite sure why but the last two times I tried to get the pig out of the pen and over to the feeding area he just wouldn’t make it. Comes out any wanders around but even the smell of his sloth wasn’t enough to get him moving towards the feeding grounds. I have long suspected that he is blind or close to blind but today it almost look like he was also not able to smell the delicious cabbage and potato stew that we make special for him.
I tried a number of techniques over a number of minutes but he just came so far and then sort of wadded like he didn’t know what to do. It’s almost like there’s a line in the sand he won’t cross. I’m suspicious the rooster may have scared him.
0 I threw the hens some scraps in the opposite direction and it worked for a bit but he still wouldn’t come out so I brought the food and I left it close to the pen but still outside. He dug in and loved it especially since it was all his and there were no hens or chickens around at least for the first few minutes. As soon as I made my way back towards the house the chickens ignored the food I had given them and rushed to see what they were missing.
I really wish the pig food was disgusting to the hens because they’ve got their food and by my estimation they’ve got a little bit more than they should each day but still, the pig slop is like a forbidden fruit. They may not even want it, but they think they need it.
In any case I made my way back to the house and came inside. I know the pig ate 2/3 or more and I think that’s probably more than he usually gets depending on the timing.
It’s tough to handle my defensive stick, a big heavy part of pig stew, and a scatter cup of chicken pellets and feed. At all times I have to watch where the rooster is and of course he’s watching me from wherever he is.
It’s a silly game and it’s frustrating and I wish there was a solution other than just doing it everyday hoping I don’t get attacked. He didn’t launch towards me at all today but there was almost always food to be when I was around. Morning lunch afternoon and evening. A little bit more than usual tonight just to keep them distracted.
I am now done and the pig should be satisfied and wander back into the pen, roll over and fall asleep. That pig has a better life than me and I sleep a lot during the day.
I’m not sure what there is to complain about what I did today but we’ll find out when he gets home. He calls me on the phone at least once a day to tell me the same things I already know. Part of it is because he truly loves his pet scent he wants to know that they are in good hands and part of it is worrying but they are not in good hands. It’s a bit irritating but less so than the rooster so I got used to it.