Every so often, a stranger will pop up on my instant messenger apps and say Hello. Conversations usually go somewhat similar to this:
03hccn41ztpns1ow6qc1h2yish@public.talk.google.com: Hello Jeff
Jeff Goebel: Hello.
03h: How are You Doing
Jeff Goebel: Oh I see. So this is one of those random stranger messages that I’m supposed to believe actually happen to guys.
03h: Well I Followed You On Google+ i taught i could say Hi , just trying to make frends
nothing more
mean no harm too
Jeff Goebel: No worries. Random gorgeous women say Hi to me all the time. (hehehe) Ok, not really.
I apologize for sounding hostile. As a woman, you must get random messages from guys on message formats too. SOmetimes I jump the gun and become defensive before they even tell me about their web site or chatroom cams. (grin)
03h: lol i unstands Jeff
03h: lol Any I’m Kim, I stay in Texas How about You?
Jeff Goebel: I’m in Toronto Canada.
I’m still pretty suspicious you’re in Africa somewhere and the request is pending…. but Hello. I am sorry life has made me disbelieve blonde strangers with candy.
oh well.. I ruined a beautiful relationship I guess… grumpy old man that I am.
03h: What do you mean that am in Africa where the hell is that
Even if I believed, She doesn’t know where Africa is? The improper use of pronouns is always a dead giveaway of an African scammer. They never use “I am” but often just am.
Jeff Goebel: heheh.. Nevermind. Hello. Happy Tuesday. In Canada, it’s a holiday so I call it Fake Monday.
03h: LOL
Jeff Goebel: Was there a question, or some comment? Just a friendly hello from a fan? I almost never post to Google+
Jeff Goebel: I know… I’m weird. Not what you expected.
03h: really
Jeff Goebel: I like to be different.
03h: same here
Jeff Goebel: Well you are different… except not too different from Gisele Martin.
click. She disconnects.
This is the 32pixel thumbnail she’s using in her GTalk profile:
This is the Google Image compare I performed:
This is Gisele Martin: