I grew up in a small town and always asked; What's the funny thing in the center of town. I later learned it was an air raid siren. I never heard it and at some point in my youth, it vanished. It's 2019 now and we all carry a personal device with us. In my new home town of Toronto, technology has re-invented the air raid siren and put it in my...
Eric the half a bee.
Commentary & Opinion, General Blog Messages, Uncategorized, Viewpoint
As I was falling asleep with my mouth slightly open because if the congestion when I heard a bee. I can't be sure that it was a bee, but it was certainly louder than an average fly. It might have been an above-average fly. Superfly? I've seen some really big flies over the past few years. Not science fiction horror movie big like the spiders, but...
Commentary & Opinion, General Blog Messages, Lunch Blog, Viewpoint
I like the idea if Sunday, even if it isn't actually Sunday. I often post on my Facebook wall that "I am Sundaying" as an expression of laziness. Perhaps laziness isn't the right word. When done right, a Sunday isn't about being lazy so much as just setting aside a day to not do the stuff you do the rest of the week. For those of you that work...
Life Changes
Commentary & Opinion, General Blog Messages, Lunch Blog, Personal Journey, Viewpoint
I'm losing my morning person abilities. The winter and spring of 2017... I'm not waking up energized and dtsrting my work day anymore. I've even lost my proide in being a morning person. I hate it. I have not gained the late person powers. I still want to go to bed before 10pm... but I no longer like waking up at 6am and geting a lot done...
The new leader.
Commentary & Opinion, General Blog Messages, Viewpoint
This is pretty big news. I called it. A sneaky takeover is approaching. It doesn't happen often in the real world that a race for the leader sees the winner fall from first to third place, but it might happen this year. Microsoft was first out of the gate with an open system that allowed anybody to make and sell the hardware, and let Microsoft...
The scripted election of 2016
Commentary & Opinion, General Blog Messages, Viewpoint
I'm a Canadian with a television, which means I have to pay attention to the politics of the USA. It's always a crazy show, but the year of 2016 is the craziest in my lifetime, if not in history. There are so many conspiracy theories floating around, mostly because the campaigns are so crazy, we really can't believe it wasn't planned... or even...
The Emergency Room
Commentary & Opinion, General Blog Messages, Personal Journey, Viewpoint
There are a few places in life people need to wait. Some lines you can avoid, or do without. Some lines you can schedule and return at less busy times. It's hard to avoid the waiting room at a hospital. I suppose the rich can pay for better treatment in some cases, but I like to believe we're all fairly equal in the emergency room. That's nor to...
SNL Live Hillary speech
Commentary & Opinion, General Blog Messages, Pauseandblog, Viewpoint
It's Monday, and that's a bit later than usual for me to watch this past weekend'd Saturday Night Live. It's been a pretty consistent Sunday morning ritual, but toady I was a day late. The first thing I noticed when they said Big Dick and it really looked like he wasn't supposed to, but that may just be me, over analyzing the micro expressions....
Speaking your Chats
Commentary & Opinion, General Blog Messages, Viewpoint
A funny thing happened to me recently when I was involved in a text conversation with a friend of mine. I was laying in bed, chatting with a friend using Google Hangouts on my cell phone. At some point it occurred to me the typing on the cell phone was a little tedious, but I didn't have a full keyboard or computer near the bed at that moment, so...
Bully Movie gets bullied – and we act shocked.
Commentary & Opinion, General Blog Messages, Pauseandblog, Viewpoint
News story: SONY pulls THE INTERVIEW from it's schedule. It will not release it on Christmas day because there is fear that North Korea may retaliate. The film is a comedy mocking their leader, and describing a plot to kill him. A plot not to unrealistic, and probably not far from the truth. The spy world has been known to use celebrities in the...
The Artist Thirds
church of frogstar, Commentary & Opinion, General Blog Messages, Personal Journey, Viewpoint
I go to a lot of places where artists show their work. Not so much official art galleries, but smaller marketplaces and shows. Festivals and public displays where artists rent small booths and try to sell their paintings or jewelry or other hand made work. I enjoy these events and like the idea that I often get to talk directly to the artist...
Your next new phone.
Commentary & Opinion, Daily, General Blog Messages, Lunch Blog, Personal Journey, Viewpoint
Apple does a few things really well, but one of the biggest impacts on the cell phone world, is the way they've managed to make getting the newest iPhone an obligation of your status. Of course, not every iPhone user lines up to be first, and many don't even bother with the new release at all, but we're all still aware of the concept. New iPhone...
The Gift of No Gifts
Commentary & Opinion, Daily, General Blog Messages, GIVEIT100.com, Personal Journey, Viewpoint
One of the issues I've had as an obsessive mind that overthinks every scenario of life, is regarding the idea of receiving gifts. I have very few memories of receiving gifts, where I enjoyed the process. That is one serious imaginary memory deficit. I'm not saying I don't enjoy getting gifts, but I always hate the way I react. It stresses me to...
This Blog is Gluten Free
Commentary & Opinion, Daily, General Blog Messages, GIVEIT100.com, Lunch Blog, Viewpoint
I went to my favourite Toronto burger place for lunch today, and got a surprise. Their fabulous Big Guy 7oz juicy burger was now being advertised as Gluten Free. You'd have to be living under a rock these days not to know the term. "Gluten Free" seems to be the big new diet fad, with great controversy. Like so many diet options, I have happily...
People of the Yard Sale
Commentary & Opinion, Daily, General Blog Messages, Viewpoint
I found myself at a charity yard sale this weekend with time to spare. Usually I don't pay too much attention to weekend sales in yards and driveways. They've never held much interest for me although I do know, for many people, they're a weekend highlight. I can breeze through a yard sale in under 3 minutes usually. I I just don't need to spend...
Bully Laughs
Commentary & Opinion, Daily, General Blog Messages, GIVEIT100.com, Pauseandblog, Viewpoint
Sometimes, I feel guilty over laughing at comedy. A lot of it is mean. The mean stuff often makes me laugh, despite the understanding that a real person is the butt of the joke. Comedy often attacks real people. I believe there is a law that lets them rip apart politicians with comedy, and celebrities have always been fair game it seems. Late...
Good at Everything Guys
Commentary & Opinion, General Blog Messages, GIVEIT100.com, Viewpoint
You go first. No, YOU go first. I think one of the greatest rules of success, is to be second. Smart people let somebody else go first. Leaders must be followers first. This week, Apple made their newsworthy announcement for the new Apple iPhones, finally giving in to the public demand, and releasing a bigger version of the iPhone. Immediately,...
+1 Pleasure Points
Commentary & Opinion, Daily, General Blog Messages, GIVEIT100.com, Personal Journey, Viewpoint
A new idea is exciting. It actually feels good. +1 Pleasure points. As I was thinking new thoughts the other day, I was able to actually feel the good feeling and sensation that comes with a new idea. Learning something new - at any age is good, and figuring it out on your own is even better. I can actually feel it. When I learn a new fact, I am...
Punch Line Warfare
church of frogstar, Commentary & Opinion, Daily, General Blog Messages, GIVEIT100.com, Viewpoint
The other day on Facebook, I was reading a thread on the news feed of one of my American friends from youth. We've known each other since our teens, but I've never been super close. He posts a fair number of political messages, and I am never whether he is posting in full seriousness, or in jest. I don't know many people in my life who are far on...
Adult Nap Time
Commentary & Opinion, General Blog Messages, GIVEIT100.com, Personal Journey, Viewpoint
For many of you, the last time you took a daytime nap may have been in kindergarten, when nap time was enforced. That's too bad. Once we hit grade 1, we are encouraged to make it through the day in one continuous state of awake. In fact, napping at school is not acceptable behaviour at all, for students or teachers. You can actually be fired for...
Fake Monday
Commentary & Opinion, General Blog Messages, GIVEIT100.com, Personal Journey, Viewpoint
Fro some reason, we North Americans tend to like our long weekends to favour Monday, rather than Fridays. Somehow it seems like a longer holiday when we get an extra day AFTER Sunday, rather than taking Friday off and going back to work on a Monday. I suppose some luxury livers often take the Friday off too, and enjoy a 4 day weekend, but the...
Society Evolves
Commentary & Opinion, General Blog Messages, GIVEIT100.com, Personal Journey, Viewpoint
The Internet has become a form of education we never expected. For the first time, we are globally seeing more and more real people. Reality TV started it, but the Internet is King, where every human can broadcast themselves or their neighbours, and we can see, for the first time in many cases, how stupid and rude and obnoxious a society we all...
I’m Sundaying
Commentary & Opinion, General Blog Messages, GIVEIT100.com, Personal Journey, Quotes, Viewpoint
Sunday is a special day in our culture. It used to be the official day or rest for society, based I supposed on Christianity - but really meant as a day off for everyone... until it wasn't, and we got greedy. Now almost everything is open on Sunday, although some still have limited hours. We all need a break day, even if we don't work very hard...
Being Funny in an Empty Room
Commentary & Opinion, General Blog Messages, GIVEIT100.com, Viewpoint
I have posted before how I compared twitter to doing stand up comedy in an empty room. You can be funny online, but your jokes and comments don't get a reaction as you type - but rather minutes, hours or days later. In this way, I think I was wrong in my analogy, because an empty room will never give you a laugh if you're a solo stand up...
I don’t want to be famous. I just want a few fans.
Commentary & Opinion, General Blog Messages, GIVEIT100.com, Personal Journey, Viewpoint
In my previous writings, I have stated this many times. I don't want to be famous. I just want a few fans. Fans are usually great, but being famous can be a terror. On Monday of this week, I started a new goal to write a blog of some sort every day, and the truth is - I really don't care if anybody is reading it. In fact, the idea of people...
Most of us are Criminals.
Commentary & Opinion, General Blog Messages, GIVEIT100.com, Personal Journey, Viewpoint
Life is full of rules. Some we don't really care about breaking, and some we do. We've made the idea of breaking rules so socially acceptable that there is a famous line; "Rules are meant to be broken" which in itself, is an absurd statement. Some people define themselves as rule breakers. As bad. Some people like to be thought of as bad boys,...
Hitler Died a Happy Man
Commentary & Opinion, General Blog Messages, Personal Journey, Quotes, Viewpoint
I dream a lot, as most people do, but I like to think my dreams are different than many people's and I tend to remember my dreams pretty well. In the spring, my dreams can be even more elaborate, and very dialogue intensive. It's 5:31 as I write this post, and I just awoke from an interesting dream, inspire by the single line of dialogue; Hitler...
You are not your farts
church of frogstar, Commentary & Opinion, General Blog Messages, Viewpoint
As is often the case, I read something, and it inspirers a thought stream in another direction. This morning, I was linked on Facebook to the following article, in reference to a discussion they'd been having online about sharing your life experiences with depression or medication online....
Welcome New Followers
Commentary & Opinion, General Blog Messages, Viewpoint
Thanks to my new YouTube Channel, and a web site called Give it 100, I have a few new people checking out my web site. This is where I ramble in text about stuff, but you may also want to see my other sites. http://frogstar.com http://giveit100.com http://youtube.,com/frogstar42 [video width="1920" height="1080"...
The Medium used to be the Message
Commentary & Opinion, General Blog Messages, Pauseandblog, Viewpoint
The World Evolves. The medium used to be the message, but today the audience is the author. The world is the medium and the message. Media is finally created by, and received by both parties. The watcher is the content producer. Reality TV now exists in multiple forms. On networks, it's still created by producers and isn't really reality TV, but...
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