-Personal Blog

Comic Book Villan

there is a moment when you’re playing the card game HEARTS, and you think… awww.. fuck it, lets go for the lot. You try to get every single trick, knowing if you miss just one, you’ll get a huge score penalty. I believe there are many moments in life just like that. The moment where you’ve peaked, and it’s all downhill from here, so you give up.

While watching a pop culture new story just now on TMZ, a lightbulb went off in my head and I had a conspiracy theory develop. I have recentky been heard pondering to anyone who will listen, that I’m actually a little surprised that we don;’t have more comic book villans that try to take over the world.

Today, I might have seen one.  A few months ago, the news broke that some creepy rich dude had bought the rights to a lifesaving aids drug and boosted it’s price from $6 to $900 or some equally crazy figure. (unresearched)

The obvious respeonce from people, was a classic movie Boooooooooooooooooooooooo

He was immediately hated more than anyone else on the news. People were instant to judge, and boo and hate.

Later, another angelic company saved the day and screwed this guy. We cheered in unison.

Then, weeks later, he’s back in the news with equally evil, and silly things. It may appear as a lack of attention, but I believe it is thebeginning of a Bond movie worthy storline where this man, becomes a moder day Lex Luter, and is not only capable, but may in fact, be planning to take over the world.



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Jeff Goebel