Trying to quite one addiction cold turkey
My idea to cut back on, or do away with my meth movie making obsession. Day 1.
Ahhh.. chocolate returns to start the day.
I don’t remember falling asleep last night but it must haven been reasonably quickly. I opened my eyes 10 minutes ago and rolled over to see my orange clock. It wà 5:45am. A bit earlier than I prefer but I’ve learned not to risk going back for the second sleep at this caused weird dreams…
Talking to myself Tuesday
Tuesday. Uh the last one in April, whatever. This with the 30th And I changed my morning routine bit because the cows have no hay and they’re hungry and a little angry. When I go down there, I check on the chickens. Yesterday, the cows all surrounded me, and almost locked me in the barn. they’re…
Do I owe Brittany money?
Another morning arrives without the night in between. Day 3 awake.
Sunday Night Mini Meth Musical Movie
Original music, lyrics and vocals generated by an AI song tool with the guidance and editing by OrangeJeff late on Sunday night when I should have been sleeping.
Superman’s Secret is out
Somebody finally figured out what the fortress of solitude is good for. It’s a meth lab
My Mini Meth Music Movie Matinee
Another Sunday matinee mini meth movie musical with the help of AI
March April Musical Videos
A playlist of recent mini meth music movie masterpieces including the great ones created by AI for me with original music, vocals and lyrics.
My morning routine.
Morning music video. Clips from the morning edited by OrangeJeff
One hit repeated
This music video edited from clips of mine over the past month (March/April 2024) and set to an original tune music, vocals and lyrics by AI with my guidance.
3:39am Shard Boofin’ Time
Photo from the bathroom where I shit out what I just finished pushing in.
Todays Saves
A show-off of all the useless fun I had today including a video is of me playing with Snapchat filters while getting quite spun.
Welcome new followers
This is my welcome message on my Instagram account which is where I dump a lot of my final videos and promos and music videos. I suppose it applies here as well.
The making of
It’s not really a full making of video but it is a demonstration of streaming my webcam while I work on things like this video. The whole video was well over an hour.
Wednesday Morning Report
My Wednesday report
Anticipation to Trouble
Blog and video about the fear and anxiety of “the talk” that I have been told is pending.
Bing Bing Bing. Wake up.
I was disturbed from my sleep by the pinging of Facebook messenger, but not from som customer with needs. It was my friend. He seemed to be aware it was 6am here and yet proceeded to bong me 6 more times triggering an emergency response from me. I naturally assumed the worst, and that customer or…
My morning routine – animated.
This is an animated recreation of what I do in the morning. It’s not complete but it does show a couple of steps that happen every day
Morning Obligation Blog Post.
A slow start to my day today but after my morning routine, I’m feeling a little bit better about the day and ready to go feed the cows.
Rare dream content
I woke up at 5am and went back to sleep. I had one of my less happy dreams before waking up again slowly at 6:38. When I say less happy, I don’t really mean a nightmare. It’s more of an anxiety stress dream. It hits my buttons. I was late for my opening day as manager of the store and things kept…
It’s a loop again
I do remember from years ago the temptation to blog 15 times a day. Okay five times a day maybe. To just want to talk to myself and tell myself what I’m doing at every moment when I’m smoking and when I’m sleeping and I know those blog entries are not interesting but no one’s reading my blog but…
More morning musings on a Monday
I didn’t realize I had Snapchat in directors mode so it saved for videos in one. It’s handy feature when you know it’s turned on.
The Earth Day Daily Obligation Post
When I wake up, and then I super wake up, I talked to the camera about my day. Some days this will be deeper than others.
First thing on Monday posts
Now this is how I start everyday but it’s especially important on monday. Doesn’t matter if you wake up tired if you can have a little party before you start the day everything feels better.
Snapchat informed me it’s Earth Day
Observing my usage habits.
lost in the Haze
Saturday edition of Music video Lost in the Haze about my sadness that Meth music videos are not a mainstream topic I can openly share. written by AI to my specifications. I love this new Snapchat filter.
Meth Talk – Chat profile thieves
Meth talk is a video series where I discuss some of the topics relating to meth users that may be of interest to other meth users.
Meth Talk – OrangeJeff’s Meth History
Meth talk is a video series where I discuss some of the topics relating to meth users that may be of interest to other meth users.
Mini Meth Talk – I’m out of cookies
Mini Meth talk is a video series where I discuss some of the topics relating to meth users that may be of interest to other meth users.
Saturday Mini Meth Music Masterpiece on 4/20
Another music video edited by me from todays meth hits.
Webstream with my AI co-host not fit for air
I totally forgot I was streaming this as I hit the bong and blew some clouds. OOPS
Walk and Talk – Morning Reflections
Walk with me as I ponder my universe.
Meth Talk
The premiere episode.
Alternate clouds on 420
Because you know we don’t all smoke weed but celebrating 420 when you’re not a weed smoker is no different than celebrating Christmas when you’re not a christian. Sometimes people just want…
Club Frogstar Talking heads description
A video that poorly describes my idea for
April 14th thoughts
April 14 morning thought and clouds
Ginger Snapping
What I would look like if I was OrangeJeff in real life.
Meth Talk: Stealing profile content
Posting my daily journal entry.
Extras Dumping
These are a bunch of posts and videos that didn’t get their own blog post this week. Some were too big to upload and some were just self explanatory and didn’t justify a separate post. It is my new idea. The dumping ground for abandoned OrangeJeff content.
Prolific Post Day
Just three videos I didn’t post online. No commentary
Friday Morning Reflection on my use
Daily Diary of meth thoughts, opinions and me.
I tried NOT doing drugs this morning
just trying to get this post online has been blog worthy in itself
Pondering Life and Fridays
The concept of Friday has been bred into us over years as being the beginning of a weekend. The start of our combined relaxation and freedom. Of course when you don’t celebrate weekends and your days are all the same Friday’s seem less significant and yet in our minds there is still something…
Shardi Bardfast
I created a second Snapchat account for a user with a more meth related name. My plan was to allow myself to post some meth content more publically to find an audience that didn’t know about me. I was thinking I could post anything that used a Snapchat filter instead of my true face would be safe,…
Post farm feed post about posting
I was finishing up feeding the animals, filled with excitement to come back inside and start a new blog entry. The previous blog which I had written just before leaving to feed the animals was ironically about me feeling need to need to blog more often. Well fuck it. I’m going to blog more often…
This Phase.
Just now I remembered something. I’ve been here before, and by here I mean this phase of being a daily user. I remember it’s happened similarly before. I’m not sure when, or how often I have…
Two minutes to midnight
Still technically Monday and I haven’t fallen asleep yet. I’ve been playing with noses instead of creating anything or making new videos. I should be tired. I haven’t smoked anything since 3 or 4:00 p.m. and I was doing pretty well at regulating her fairly normal sleep cycle. I made a lot of…
Blogging about not blogging.
Another blah day when I feel less likely to get much done… until…
Recap March Meth Movies (2024)
A recap of the meth videos created in March 2024. The archive contains failures, trials, experiments and other videos that were probably not posted.
Masterbation for money
What am I doing under the bedsheet. Only I know, but I’ll tell you about my unusual sex life as a man without passion.
Watching my Webcams
These two webcam excerpts were filmed on the same day, with a few meth hits in between.
Meth Chat: Lighter Paranoia
This blogging video talks about my fear of loud lighters. I know all my lighters by the sound they make and which ones are safe to click click when people are near.
My Drug Questions Answered (Part 1)
I share my private videos in public because if they were only shared in private then nobody would see them but me. Although I do enjoy making these videos and probably would anyway it is nice to share them and get praise occasionally. I do get questions occasionally. I’m going to try and answer…
Saturday Night Awake
I spent two days making another music video creation and I am posted it all over wherever is possible and nobody commented. I’m having a hard time getting used to that but I still don’t want to make general population friendly videos
Make today a Monday
I know it’s a Sunday but part of my philosophy is that any day can be a monday. Fresh start. A day to get things done. In my case perhaps a day to clean.
Best Friday night in a long time.
One of the things that I seek out but don’t really seek out is friendship. I want it and might even go as far as to say crave it but I don’t really do much to actually find it. This should come as no surprise since I do very little to do or complete any goal. I’d go as far to say I’m afraid of…
Crack memories
I’ll start by saying I don’t like crack much. I don’t get the same crack hide everyone else seems to because I can certainly do without it and I think the ADHD really lessens its effect or perhaps even reverses it so that I can feel tired and sleepy. But having said that, I was in a kik group…
Friday Recap
If I talk too much on my phone in the morning and try and upload it from the phone to the blog, it’s too big. There’s a very specific size limitation of my wordpress site without having to go to an FTP, which I don’t want to. I could, of course, upload it to my Google drive and then use an app to…
Maybe it is a morning race
I woke up from a particularly good dream this morning by a dog bark. One single dog bark. It was eventually followed by a second Park and the third but spanned out over time. One bark every 30 seconds or so seems to be more efficient at waking humans than a flurry of barks. They seem to have…
I’m getting used to Thursdays
I woke up. I blogged. I ate chocolate. I started my day.
New Original Music Video
A new original music video edited by me with old clips and original music and lyrics assisted by AI. I’m quite proud of how it turned out ironically it’s about not being able to be proud about these kinds of videos because of their content. It’s very personal to me.
Inspiration from routine.
In recent days I have made some inspiring quotes to other people, in messages and comments. Today, as I woke up at 6am from a kickass awesome dream ready to start my day, it suddenly occurred to me that I have inspired myself as well. Sometimes, curly sans serif text over a JPEG background with a…
The itch
I can’t fully explain it but it seems consistent enough that I am suspicious it may be drug related. It could just as easily be in my head that it is and so the symptoms line up. All day I can work and walk and lay in bed just fine. When I try to go to sleep my legs start to feel itchy. Below the…
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