-Personal Blog


Here’s an idea. A lot of people WANT to make videos, but lack the creativity to write or create goioid content.

Here is an idea. Make a documentary of your parents, or grandparrents. Tell them you want to discuss your coolest memories with them, on film.

I’ll teach you how to edit it into a perfect DVD gift for everyone in your famikly – or extended family. Sell them for $20 or more and finance a budget for the film.

Pre sales would even work.

I have a list of memories of my father. I add to it every time I remember somethinmg from our past together. MY father has so many John-isms that are unique and humerous enough to journalize for future memory recapping sessions.

The older you get, the more memories become a valid past time. Making beter memory recording devices is a big business.

Scrapbooking, Digital photos.

FAMILY, FRIENDS – a hard copy capture of 20006 in your life.

You submit as many pictures as you have. We’ll publish the book professionally and even handle sales if you like.


As do most my writings, they change shape mid-way as new ideas take over the old ones.

Oh Look, A Zeppelin

Twitter is back!

Twitter is back!

I was excited to learn the Twitter blue back reins again. X.COM has been replaced by the former Twitter once more. This message is only visible to admins: No tweets found for your selected feed sources. Make sure there are tweets available on Twitter that fit your...

To bed or not to bed

To bed or not to bed

As I lie here at 9:45 on May 1st I contemplate staying here for a brief nap and starting my productive day closer to noon as I have done many times in the past 2 months. Good morning routine which includes blowing white clouds of smoke is a good reason to not try...

Post Test

Post Test

Sed elementum dolor lorem vendor. Consectetur elit. Lorem leo sed. Sit lorem sed nisi. Dolor consectetur leo vendor. Aenean elit elementum eiusmod tellus leo elementum dolor lorem. Dolor eiusmod ipsum sit vivamus. Aenean sit semper. Nisi vendor dolor semper ipsum....

Another test – and THEN bed. I promise

Another test – and THEN bed. I promise

From Timeline photos. Posted by Jeff Goebel on 12/01/2008 (Showing 2000 of 2641 items) I admit to being immature with no guilt or shame. A lovely photo I found on the Facebook Pritchard community page. Pritchard is the com... The pile of cows. Cow piles. A mound of...

Jeff Goebel