My brain is always active. Sometimes, they call it obsession, and I’m on medication to reduce it, but other times, it’s just imagination. When I watch a TV show or a movie, my brain is usually thinking on multiple levels.
Sometimes it’s distracting, especially if the show is boring. Other times it’s fun, because I imagine all sorts of alternate scenarios for the plot,. In a way, I frequently get to enjoy two or three versions of a shows storyline, because I proteins multiple endings.
Sll to often however, this creativity ruins the show, because I figure out the entire mystery way to early. This was the case with this week’s episode of Perception. I love the show, and recommend it highly, although I think it’s been cancelled already.
I knew the twist ending almost instantly when the murder scene was exposed. Then I had to wait, while the cast figured it all out in the final minutes.