This blog is a mixture of writings when I was high. Sometimes, very high.
Orange Jeff is an alias that I use in the alternate Universe I spend time in known as Second Life. More than an alias, Orange Jeff is a persona. In that Universe, I am openly a drug user. Drugs exist in the 3D Avatar Universe with graphics and scripted routines. They’re just for fun, but are represented fully for role playing purposes. Orange Jeff lives the open drug life I never did.
I am not only open about being a drug user, I’m vocal about it. I wear clothes with pot leafs and talk about drugs any chance I get. Since the existence of second life weed joints and others is unknown to a vast majority, it has been my favourite way of getting beautiful women’s attention.
In Second Life, people don’t seem to use buying a drink for their interest. However, casually asking if they’d like to get high often yields a conversation, meeting and quite often, sex. I was delighted to meet some kickass fantastic looking women through the group “Whores for Drugs”. I put out an offer of some new drug, and they appear. Sometimes they’re not my style, but often they are high quality, attention to detail gorgeous avatars.
I’ve come to learn that often means a man did it. I suspect all, or most of the whores for drugs are men behind the women avatars. None of them want to go voice.
I have yet to have voice sex without paying for it.
I kind of procrastinated again. My joy of finding a community and become a regular has had some false starts.
Realisation: I have never really been a regular anywhere.
I don’t have the patience to stay if I can’t figure out how to mingle and cross the threshold of acquaintance to a friend… or love interest.
You have to work at a new friendship like a garden. I don’t.
In the Second Life, I’ve not found the right group to hang out with yet.
I want a place like I had, but we’d organize the events and regulars. A howdy neighbour community to call home.
I never know what I want.
If I could hire my way to a stoner version of dirty sex voice lounge, I would.
The sexy stoner vaper lounge
Market outside SL to stoners. Real life prices before you enter for quality avatar and clothing.
Personal hosts and hostesses teach you everything in 3 hours,
women speak first
q: is it ok to show the value of lindens?
Sudden end.