Today’s Rooster adventures were a little different. Due to some sleep issues I’m working out, I slept in and didn’t get downstairs till 745 instead of my usual 720/730ish
I used to start even earlier but decided the neighborhood probably benefitted from the extra 30 minutes of non rooster annoyance. I’m still shocked nobody in the surrounding area has not complained.
What this delay meant for me this morning, was that all the chickens were up on the porch in front of the door. I had to make them move in order to make my way to the feeding area nearest the door. It may be 15 ft or less but the rooster obviously did not want me to move it all, despite being the one that had the food.
I wasn’t going to be patient and wait 45 minutes moving and inch at a time so I gently whoosed some of the hens along. They seemed to take no issue as they are smart enough to realize I had the food and we both needed to get to the spot.
The Rooster however was not having it and we battled ferociously over and over. He would lunge and I would defend. I had found a beautiful walking stick with a V at the end that turned out to be a perfect defence against an attacking bird.
His ego was not effected and his will remained strong. With each lunch, I defended with a gentle block to his breast. He tried getting huge and swerving like a soccer player to get by, all the while screaming his only vocal call.
Eventually, after what I estimate was no less than 10 attack attempts, I was able to toss enough food in the dish to change the focus. It was breakfast time.
I fed the pellets to this area and then walked away. I filled another dish off to the side with the main feed and returned inside.
He crowed a victory doodle do. Perhaps it was a song of loss. They’re all identical irritation crowd to me.
Lunch went off with no tension at all. Perhaps this humiliating loss will change our future relationship, but I doubt it.