
What if uranium wasn’t harmful and deadly
What if it’s safe, but you click the right trigger the dinasaurs might get a second chance..

Story idea. The world is destroyed tonight at 6, but we’ve been reliving this day in a loop for 300 years.

One child is born on that day and he is immune to its effect. He grows living in a hell at first and a series of looping Mondays with a kid that can retain and remember.

I build computers that run continuously andcan transfer your consciousness into the game.

I’m doing it aga5. Trying to control mylmage. Trying to control their perception

Root. Approval seeking

Please don’t make me choose
Please don’t yell

Ding. Lightbulb biggie
Or another excuse

Ding. Or is it the weed winning and my gtat confident focused Jeff now sleeps till 2

I blamed the bad drug but over its the good drug.

Ahhh.. chocolate returns to start the day.

Ahhh.. chocolate returns to start the day.

I don't remember falling asleep last night but it must haven been reasonably quickly. I opened my eyes 10 minutes ago and rolled over to see my orange clock. It wà 5:45am. A bit earlier than I prefer but I've learned not to risk going back for the second sleep at this...

Rare dream content

Rare dream content

I woke up at 5am and went back to sleep. I had one of my less happy dreams before waking up again slowly at 6:38. When I say less happy, I don't really mean a nightmare. It's more of an anxiety stress dream. It hits my buttons. I was late for my opening day as manager...

Water Overflow. What was I doing before that?

Water Overflow. What was I doing before that?

I was sitting in my chair outside the door after feeding the animals there afternoon meal and our fish bathtub has a small leak so one of my new tasks daily is to refill it. Because it has fish in it we do this very slowly with it trickle but the hose turns on and off...

Heightened Awareness

Heightened Awareness

A few draws on the pipe. Huge clouds. A giggle and an enhanced view. I remember this. Every woman looks prettier. I smile. I wish I could break into a conversation with anyone. Just to talk. To talk rapidly probably. I'm in the fast mode. I'm not used to the pipe. I...

Jeff Goebel