-Personal Blog

Drug Videos

Drug Videos

Fake Monday Morning.

It’s the Tuesday after labor Day, but for me it pretty much feels like a Monday because I slept through quite a bit yesterday and didn’t have feed anybody but myself. This morning, I woke at 6:30 pleased with the amount of sleep I had received the night…

Twitter Stream Fail.

Twitter Stream Fail.

This is not an embed. Thats false features. It’s a link. I could have done better. First 30 seconds are blank screen. OrangeJeff Webcam Stream— Orangejeff420 (@orangejeff420) June 9, 2022

Beats and Blowing

Beats and Blowing

This was one of the first music videos I made. As the software got better, so did I.

4am Meth Meme

4am Meth Meme

When I smoke meth recreationally, I like to create. I try to make interesting videos of me blowing clouds. 

Your friend smokes meth?  DON’T RUN!

Your friend smokes meth? DON’T RUN! I am a meth user, bothg my prescription from a psychiatrist, and from a trusted street dealer, which is easier to obtain. I am not a daily user, but it helps my severe ADHD symptoms and allows me to get more done. I admit to…

Jeff Goebel