-Personal Blog

Breaking News

farm, General Blog Messages

Breaking News

I know what a news break is but I’m not positive I fully understand what breaking news is I had assumed that it is news they interrupt whatever you were doing to tell you about, which should be significant.

Breaking news is not always significant It’s just current and they’d rather you hear it from them than someone else.

It’s Wednesday at 7:30 a.m. and I have fed four of the chickens because the others are sleeping in. They’re the older hens they’re not treated with the respect that the old hens should be but that’s only because the rooster is an arrogant bastard.

Today was supposed to be quite different. He had planned to take it off work, and get weekday thing done. The kinds of things that just aren’t available on weekends. Among these, we were getting an estimate on the roof repair and he was spending the afternoon with the banks. He was very anxious about this.

He needs quite a bit of money reasonably quickly and something has told me this isn’t the first time so his financing may not be as simple as just owning a home and having them throw money at you.

There are so many bizarre variables to the story but for today, the most important piece of information, is that if you doesn’t get the money reasonably quickly, he might actually lose the house. I’m not sure how close we are to that but he does seem to mention it just enough to make me believe there is a real concern. It’s clear he’s upset by the need to borrow money to pay things down that got out of hand.

I know what that’s about. I’m an expert at getting my finances out of hand, but I’m reasonably content these days because I scaled back and don’t have an awful lot to pay for. Still, I am behind on last month’s hydro bill and must catch up before letting it double this month.

I guess that makes my priority today invoicing. The faster I ask for money, the quicker they can pay.

More news as it happens, film at 11:00.

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Jeff Goebel