Weed high from 2 strong pot brownies that I review as excellent, and like KFC, is good cold too. I found a nice spot on the reation of the first two and my already suspciously joyous day was even coooler.
I started my new routine of therapy. Saying it. ding, these days, the populous is accepting typing as a new quicker way of communicating. Do not go past this site, it will give you much more information on this topic. I like to award myself a pride point here, which I use almost as In “I told you so”, because I figured out messaging was the medium I was a star in.
I used to be the king of 2 minute voice messages with the ladies. When their appearance wa removed and I could not influence my comfort by judging them on attractiveness. The nicest peole I know have all been people who may have scored lower on the insenitive 1 to 10 scale the media created for us to use. The bad way of thinking equivilent to… noooo. don’t do it. don’t say it.
Have we split into two people again? You spoke up to stop me from using Germany in an anaology again. In recent sharing, we learned to hate a man we did not know 100%without question. We know there are a few peole. ding. There is an entire blank of the world that was … that suffered the stories of their elders experiences. The keepers of the stories. The 911 of … stop. Nobody would … you just can’t use examples that will be hurtful just because it might make peole think that our universe is a story.
Although I may not believe my own premis with what they have decided to call faith, It is a story that works, and can actually fit quite well into the universe you have created for yourself, whether you knew it or not.
From the moment each of donors shared their care package and sent a half off to camp, and two ones became one one.
Wait a second. Wakka wakka wakka. I have been writing and imagining on the premis that life begane the moment one became two. nill noticed it was diffent that it a moment ago, and as soon as there were two, they kept splitting. They expanded into the universe like am ballon can scan the entiure room like a roomba robotic vacuum cleaner scans the floor.
A baloon is like a cat, or a child with A.DD. Eventually I will have seen all there is to see in my immediate universe. I will leave the waiting room with a bsic memory of anything I could turn into a story from that room.
I want to tell this story now. Stop me if you’ve heard it.
ding warning sign. Repeating same stories from a grandchild perspectibe is an early sign of scary memory stories. From my current NOW, I see it as a way to remember the good stories and tell them as often as I can.
As an old person, I have colected a storage of my own bible. The word I use for cimmunity stories to share and use as anaologiesin life to help you with decsions and touch choices.
The community stories, shared by one or more speakers was where the community learned the original things that go without saying. The smart people figured out that a shared set of stories was not on;y a great way to create society and a growing world that would work.
The early afopters of American essentially had to play SIM CITY for realzies and taking advice from the Europe you left was frowned apon. Somebody smart one day declaired that Pride was a powerful tool, and if we could control pride with the offset of the concept of sin, and acceptable levels of bad.
We made bad and good too polar, and gave our youth the impression that doing things bad, was somehow actually bad. Like the Santa song goes, we taught peole to be good for godness sake, because you never know who knows your real stories.
The worst thing in my universe is having to give in to a better story, and abandon a perfectly uselful lie. Every time I am caught in an alteration of a truth brought forward as withness in the courtroom drama that is acted out in my mind, Thursdays at 7pm.
ding. Original cool idea. Frogstar.TV The Orange Network doesn’t take sides.
Feel free to sign up and start blogging anonymously with a false persona. Tell the truth using who you imagine being, and strea, your thoughts at the speed of your typing, or the speed of your voice.
As little or a smuch as you like, but the idea behind the Orange network might be this:
I want to create something new, that lets shy peole not have to break the ice. I know there are many like me that can be a really good date, boyfriend husband or whatever given the chance, but those men who need to be asked give up. I imagine frequently many ways that the 70’s bar scene would have paid dearly for.
I believe it is ime for something huge, and I wish I could be found by an investor or a fan. Somebody to bring my dreams to life and make us both more comfortable than I am at the start of 2018.
Ok Google what day of the year isit?
It talks, but starts with the definition of a day and a year. It then tells me howmany days left there are this year, which would have been a valuable number to relate to, and a good goal to set… but becaue I was expecting the day of today in the year, and when I didn’t, I wasn’t ready to save the other answer.
It was the mental equivilant of swigging water out of the bottle in the fridge and discovering it was soda water instead. You may not agree, but something about the taste of soda water, sometimes referred to as tonic water, is perhaps the most vile taste I have ever asualted my mouth with, and I spent two years in my 20s as a raging alcoholic.
Sweps water with bubbles is unexplanably shocking tomy system. It does not mix with my saliva pleasently. That’s probably more extreme than I wanted to conveny. It’s more like expecting water and getting 7up. You spit out a little bit before you catch up to what that NOW twist was and smile.
I Dadapt to the new NOW.
This portion of the Thursday addition of the new NOW nightly
The new now
The Ornage Daily monoalge.
My favourite concept of all time up till NOW is the
I stopped. I wiped it clean. I don’t choose to share my all time favourite because I like to have surprises. Ideas I hold on to in case I ever do find the secret or, more truthefully if ever I allow myself to cheat.
Aha. The secret to some waterfall puzzles in life, os that not everything can be accomplished with nice and good. As you grow, whether nurtchured by the teaching comunity of school, work, churh, scouts, clubs, theatre, knitting or quit clubs… watever.
I am a huge fan of the community that gathers and shares the stories.
We think of the church as the keeper of the original stories, but sadly at some point, probably pretty early on, the idea of the community gathering regularly as a group to exchange the stories of their immediate universe.
I have learned a modern version told in the form of Star Trek so that I would not realize it was a bible story analogy of earth until I was older and saw it again, and again. Star Trek told good bible stories, but before TV, the community was the news.
WHen we learned how that guy in the book handled revenge, or anger, or whenthe girl you like asks you to help her get a nother guy to ask her to the dance.
The community stories were the Friends and Seinfeld of their time.
Stories that subtly instructed us how other people might react to situations, delivered as comedy.
I have an elaborate back story about the history of how I became a funny guy. It was a choice. The remarkable thing I say, when looking back is that I did so without being noticed. I knew I was funny, even without the clieche nagging of peers who smile and tell me I should be a commedian.
I never wanted that enough to try.
I never regretted it, but big moves like that need the other half, and That is definatly a third square chess move. I castle to run away faster than usual.
ding. Steve Memory; I laughed my guts out when best friend understudy StevE Boysen one made a joke that I didn’t react well too. I have no memory of the joke, but it landed flat and Steve turned to me and said; Whatta ya want, every one a winner?
I remember it with a slightly silly voice, but only tio make the character have more depth.
Whatta ya want, every one a winner became an instant motto for me. I adopted the concept into my work in oprgress movement towards being funny.
I wanted to call my show. Punchline News, with Orange Jeff
I just love the idea that I porefer my news filtered by things that will make me smile, and think, but in the end, delivered with a punchline. I am one of the millions of people that get by with the world knowledge of only sources delivered with a punchline.
I am an oncessive lsistener of Howard Stern as often as I can, but alwys cronologically and I have not yet given into the obcession of never missing a moment of the 3 day a week 5 hour broadcast, listened to in order, even if a week or more behind.
I confess that Imay have missed a day or
The light on my keyboard blinked at me, and I looked up. Looked waaay up. The computer was catching up. Apparently I can NOT type at the speed of though for prolonged times.
ha! My Computer has what I have. It needs to stop and take a breath to replay a story of the NOW that just happened.
It can fall behind in a similar way that I do. I hve seen my videos do it, and then spin ahead like an 80s video tape fast forwarding.
If I could ever send a messge back in time, it would be to share my writing and find a new partner eariler. Maybe Norman abd Egan would be interesting in joining Troy and Adam and maybe Daniel is a community project.
My idea.
Frogstar.TV rentable news segments. If you watch The Daily show they frequently have a segment produced entirely seperate from the daily show news jokes, with a story produced as a documentary, or like a real news segment.
They’re the stories that need to be told more often about life in a fictional country.
Democracy is an invention that allows one nation to have oposing sides that believe in sides with a game like pride and will fight tonot have to admit defeat… in many many aspects of life.
Somebiody smart figured it out that communities work best when the citisens are allowed at least two choices and so they have the impression they have control.
Society needs to have an alternative option toas many vchoices as possible to allow us to have identities and conflict.
Or its by design to allow for idenity, and rebellion and the conflict was a side effect when people started to figure out there were a lot of people they’d meet that preferred to not have to pick a side because that’d involve thinking about matters greater than their universe needs.
A great many peole love to be told what team they’re on. I am one of those people. I will avoid chooing anything until the moment I am standing in a position where I need to choose. Luckily, I am skilled at detecting what the best choice would be in your mind. Your existance allows me to choose with minimal fear or anxiety. The better I know you, the more comfort I can rely on to make choices in your presence that you will be pleased with.
— DIng side truth. I have confe… lets not use the word confess. Nothing I tell as my story should be considered worthy of that word.
I want to tell my mental stream as honest, and we;ve already witnessed some hesitation at times, but in the end, I am enjoying the genre I may have created. It’s be nice if I don’t claim victory 3 years ffrom now when somebody with more than 17 followers on Tumblr has.
I get ythe power of a friend colection although I still think iot’s a billion dollar iea to make the next facebook social media a fan based system.
ding serious.
It might actualy be posible to replace Facebook with a secondary stop in people’s day. Inventing a new way to grab peole’s valuable time and check your site before or after Facebook can lose quickly. If not enough peoplejump on board from the start, a new social media attempt will fail.
We say that it’ll be hard to topple the leaders online and create new leaders but I still understand the Internet was invented after it was released, and I can not comprehend how two generations past 137 years will be an unrecognizable world. Our fictional cabemen are marvelled by escalators and the “hooble” telescope, but real time travelers would be cruished by the revelations of what our world can do.
The world changed each time we got better at writing things down. Stone to chalk to graphite, which may hve started as actual led, which makes sense. The first change in reality that led pencils don’t use led.
I remember a single image of the moment when Bill Cosby revealed that Grampa had been driven crazy so he’d no longer control the money. Led was dropped on his bedroom lightbulb over time and he went mad.
With the last stories of Bill Cosby, he greatness was tarnished with emotion as he was outcast as evil and all his good was suddenly shameful. Bill Cosby, if we believe the storuies we are told, didn’t get to die a legend and positive influence without an asterisk.
Now lets put aside for just a moment any stories of pervertions or sexual action reactions of a diferent time, is it fair to alwys include the news stories of the artist in the art?
Is it acceptable gehavior to seperate the two and appreciate art for how it makes you feel, and if you’re a thinker like me, I enjoy appreciating art for the stories I can imagine went into it;s inspiration, design and creation.
It is one of my favourite things to do, … reframe. I sincerly enjoy interaction with artists, because although I know they often work as their income, but a true artist that I can click with and smile, should enjoy the gift of a story, or more often, the gift of being ble to share their story, and recieve the reward of a smile.
There is value to an artist in the moment you get it. It makes you feel something, and a story appears. The opportunity to share your reation to art is either one of the best parts or the worst parts of being an artist.
I suspect the scale slides. The first good fans are what creates the universe. I have recieved a thumbs up from an opinion I trust. My story has just been given a go ahead and I can move forward telling it live every night in a soon to be interactive nightly report.
The New Daily
In a Tinychat window with 24/7 silkengt webcam and conversation / question requestor.
The second ever Netflix show I binge watched in 3 sittings was Disjointed.
The origin story of this was the woman who introduced it to me. The first share from an almost stranger in the alternate universe of a near perfect lady for me, said hi high one day after a round of voice Cards Against Humanity. One ofmy favourite past times in that universe for talking to gorgious women without fear.
I use it as a stage and I love it.
The last time however 5 pretty women would not talk or react. I begin to self doubt and what I imagine is a hilarious campy game show voice hosting, was actually a clown that doesn’t know they’re laughing at me.
Funny second life story. I returned to the universe after a month away. I got down in the dumps as it were because three fantastic first dates didn’t last a week before they ran.
Its not me its her doesn’t fly after 3 in a row.
I can’t figure out the line between sitcom amusing irritating but always ends with a happy wife.
I want that so bad. I want a wife that I can work into a riutine of a better life.
gif of Dinasaur Baby AGAIN. I even have the SL festure.