-Personal Blog

Month: February 2011

Month: February 2011

Being alone in a crowd

Being alone in a crowd

Long time readers of mine will know I much prefer being in a partnership or relationship to being alone. I've often said I fell co dependant without the co when alone, and the happiness of others gives me purpose. Having said that, I will also admit that being alone, and staying happy has been something I've worked at.  You can lean a lot by...

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I read it somewhere

I read it somewhere

During a commercial break, I pause the playback and return to the keyboard. I started rethinking about something I mentioned in passing in a previous blog entry. I used an old saying fragment; "I read somewhere" before stating some supportive fact.  It's an innocent enough thing to say.  We all have memories from things we've read or seen or...

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Ask yourself whether this is the right moment for humor. (humour)

Ask yourself whether this is the right moment for humor. (humour)

"Ask yourself whether this is the right moment for humor." The Mentalist: That line made me pause, literally. While watching Kendall Cho, a character on TV's "The Mentalist"  interrogate a witness.  The witness makes a joke, and that is his reply.  You have to imagine the speedy flat monotone delivery Cho uses...

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Pizza Hut lunch. The End.

Pizza Hut lunch. The End.

I was called in to work today when my plans ahead of time had been to stay in and catch up on old work I was behind on. Yesterday had also been a day when there was a big difference between what I expected and what actually happened. When I fall behind, I tend to get a bit stressed, and that means I enjoy myself less, and fall behind even more....

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Life might be insanity.

Life might be insanity.

There is a famous saying I have often quoted as used in other writings,  "the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting different results."  Today, it occurred to me that life itself, is a series of loops, and if we don't learn and grow from our loops, we are effectively doing the same thing over and over again, not...

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February 2011


Jeff Goebel