-Personal Blog

Month: May 2006

Month: May 2006

I’ve still seen all the commercials!

I’ve still seen all the commercials!

I'm a perfect example of a guy who loves his PVR. You may know it as the brand name TiVo...I watch hardly any TV live at the time it was shown. I record almost everything and watch it later.I do this more than the average person.The thing is, I've still seen all the commercials. Hardly any are new to me. I can't quite explain why. I fast forward...

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we don't buy cookies, because yu just eat them.SYNDI HERE: this is in reference to how childhood things(events) efect us when we're older(even if we don't remember the incident).it's also a reference to how when one is hungry one tends to "wolf" them all down and not even taste them(maybe like dave ).

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Here's an idea. A lot of people WANT to make videos, but lack the creativity to write or create goioid content.Here is an idea. Make a documentary of your parents, or grandparrents. Tell them you want to discuss your coolest memories with them, on film.I'll teach you how to edit it into a perfect DVD gift for everyone in your famikly - or...

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Why is MEAN so popular?

Why is MEAN so popular?

I watch MEAN on TV all the time, but not always from the bad guy. More often than not, I see true mean from mthe comedies. Candid Camera was a little bit mean, but today's channel surfphers need meaner.Comedy teaches is, mean is not only OK, it's funny enough to go out of your way with to be mean, on camera. Mean is in.The PUNKED Generation, and...

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I wonder

I wonder

I hate that this post is after the first. My blog will be in reverse, and new viewers will join mid jorney. I'll have to deal with that, but fr now, I'd love to have you share via the HERES THE DEAL post. It's my current opener. I may indeed do FIRST BLOG home pages through time.I wonder; How much Nascar paid to get a ride along on MAD TV. Its a...

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OK, Here is the deal.

OK, Here is the deal.

I've probably told you about this Blog personally. I'm not sure what I want it to be. Here is the deal.I like to write, and I think I do it quite well. I like to dream, and design, and come up with ideas, and write about them in a fun way. I don't however, share these files. I've always thought ONE DAY, I'll edit them, and make something like a...

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I understand why

I understand why

I understand why:TV shows have live bands as often as possible. We have learned from American Idol, that a few seconds on TV can result in sales. Commercials are starting to learn it's just as good to have a sitcom star use TIDE brand washing detergent is actually more valuable than commercials. Referral sales are the best sales, because people...

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May 2006


Jeff Goebel